Advent Wreath Making in Under One Hour

Advent Wreath Making

Advent Wreath Making: Simply ~ and ~ Beautiful!

Are you looking for a meaningful addition to truly celebrate Christmas?

Are you already beginning to feel a ‘holiday crunch’ on your time? The holiday rush?

Do you want to celebrate this Season “simply”?

Advent begins tomorrow, and is a wonderful time to s-l-o-w down and really soak in the true meaning of what Christmas is all about — and it is not about the ‘crunch’ or rush.

A wonderful way to do this is by celebrating Advent at home. Making an Advent Wreath is a wonderful tradition that can easily be made up quickly and frugally, yet be a beautiful touch to your seasonal decor. Many of the items you probably have on hand.

Fresh clippings can be had from your yard or from a willing friend’s garden, or perhaps you have a stash of unused holiday decor items you could fashion into a lovely wreath.

This is a great family activity and once made, serves as a reminder of the Reason for this Season — and maybe a symbol to s-l-o-w down and steep in that thought just a bit.

A few days ago, I wrote about teaching an Advent Wreath Making Workshop for area homeschool moms as a “Mom’s Night Out.” We had such a fun time and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The designs were incredible, each unique and beautiful. None of the ladies had ever made an Advent Wreath before, so rest assured — no experience is required. That being the case, they also discovered they could make an Advent Wreath in an hour or less!

Not quite sure how to go about making an Advent Wreath?

To help you assemble a safe, sturdy wreath, and learn about the proper care and use of an Advent Wreath, we have just released Herbal Treasures Advent Wreath Making Guide, Advent Wreath Devotional and online Workshop. Based on 10 years of study about Advent Wreaths and 5 years of teaching and writing about them, our Advent Wreath Making Book Package is available by PDF download on your computer, so you don’t have to wait for a delivery — or pay shipping charges!

For more information about Herbal Treasures’ Advent Wreath Making Guide and Advent Wreath Devotional and Online Workshop